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Our Services

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic works by removing what is called subluxation and allowing the nervous system to function better. A subluxation is a spinal misalignment that leads to irritation and inflammation of the spine and it’s surrounding structures.

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Relief Care

Relief Care

After failed surgeries, doctors consults, years of suffering, and no answers, chiropractic is often the solution many people find they are searching for. Rooted in the specific and scientific Gonstead methodology we often are able to locate and correct the root cause of health concerns that have plagued our community, whether it be for decades, years, months, or just a few days.

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Preventative Care

Preventative Care

Like every other aspect of our health care choices, chiropractic care works best in a preventative model. Similar to our cars and many other things, our spine and nervous system work better, last longer, and function optimally when they’re under regular, maintenance care.

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Pregnancy & Pediatrics

Pregnancy & Pediatrics

Moms more than ever are choosing chiropractic care to help with their pregnancy and delivery. An aligned spine and functioning nervous system help to create structural balance for an easier delivery, reduced back pain, and often minimize symptoms like nausea, headaches, and discomfort.

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