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Preventative Care

Taking care of your body before a problem occurs is the best way to manage life’s obstacles. Our goal is to find potential problems and prevent them from ever happening.

Preventative Care Vs Reactive Care

Reactive care focuses on treating symptoms or illnesses that you already have. Doctors provide reactive care when you present with symptoms such as back pain or discomfort at an appointment. Preventative care is performed routinely before symptoms occur. It can help prevent pain and future injuries while improving your overall health

Chiropractic Care Ann Arbor

How Preventative Care Helps:

  • Improve Arthritis Symptoms 
  • Reduce Inflammation 
  • Promote Healing 
  • Loosen Tight Muscles
  • Improve Balance 
  • Prevent Spinal Degeneration
  • Reduce Recovery Time 

Stay Healthy with a Preventative Care Chiropractor in Ann Arbor

Preventative care is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  

The Bridge Chiropractic specializes in personalized care while going beyond the standard chiropractic spinal assessment. We thoroughly analyze your spine and create customized care plans to avoid unnecessary adjustments. 

Contact us at 734-929-4060 to keep your body healthy.

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